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Green chemistry - a.y. 22/23

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure

This course is open to all (no restricted numbers) and lasts 3 years (full-time) or 4 or 6 years (part-time).

Course location: Vercelli

The Chair of the Course Council is Prof. Enrico Boccaleri, e-mail:

If you are not yet enrolled and you need information, you can view the video on Youtube ‘Bachelor’s degree course in Green Chemistry’

If you are already enrolled and you need information, consult the pages of UPO risponde.


The 3-year Bachelor’s degree course in Green Chemistry, the result of collaboration between DiSIT with the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DSF) and the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (DiSIT), aims to use the tools of Chemistry in a new and broader perspective. It adopts a didactic approach with a strong multidisciplinary imprint, to train graduates able to develop new products and processes that aim at reducing energy needs, environmental impacts, opportunities for the recovery and enhancement of waste, and the reduction of by-products.

Within the perspective of technical-scientific training aimed at a sustainable future, in full compliance with the guidelines of the UN 2030 Agenda, the degree course combines a working knowledge of the various sectors of chemistry in basic, theoretical and experimental aspects, along with emerging science and applications.

Green Chemistry involves, for example, the design of sustainable production processes of substances, products, fuels and energy on the basis of renewable raw materials; the reduction of use of raw materials; the recovery of waste and materials of critical importance (Critical Raw Materials - CRM); the development of the circular economy; the study of sustainable, clean and efficient chemical processes with innovative synthetic methods (eg solvent-free, mechanochemicals, ultrasounds, microwaves, catalysts and biotechnological procedures).

To obtain the degree you must achieve 180 academic credits.

Possible fields of employment

A graduate in Green Chemistry can be employed in the following fields:

  • management of chemical processes and plants, in particular aimed at the use of renewable and / or secondary raw materials deriving from circular processes and at reducing the energy and environmental impact of the production cycle, energy transformation and air, water and soil and treatment
  • management of chemical problems within bio (techno) logical processes for the production of new substances (bio-based chemicals, biofuels, bioplastics), for the treatment of civil and industrial effluents, and the mitigation of the impact and diffusion of polluting and dangerous substances
  • research activities in public sector and industrial laboratories for the development and application of the principles of green chemistry and analysis of the energy and environmental impact on new products, new chemical production and energy transformation processes, recovery and valorisation of scraps and waste
  • activities in analysis and quality control laboratories, both public and private
  • professional activity of monitoring and consultancy in fields of the environment, health, materials, and energy
  • freelancer activity (junior chemist - section B of the Professional Register), after passing the State Exam to qualify.

Graduates will be able to continue their studies with a Master's Degree Course or enrol on a vocational Specialist degree, subject to fulfilling the admission requirements.

Course organisation

In this section you can find the Green Chemistry Courses and Progammes  and information on the Study Plan (organisation of lessons and educational activity; how to complete the Study Plan), the Didactic Regulations, (the set of rules on teaching that regulate the course), the Academic Structure (the set of general rules that regulate the course) for your own cohort (generally related to the year of matriculation).

For more information on courses and programmes of previous years you can visit the page Course Archive.

From the Library Catalogue you can search by content or teacher, and find the textbooks recommended for preparation of exams.

Lessons Timetable

You can find information on the lessons timetable in UPOPlanner

Assessment of initial skills

Initial preparation is verified through a compulsory test which all students enrolling on the course must complete. Failure to pass the test does not preclude the possibility of enrolling; at the same time, passing the test does not earn you any academic credits. Students who do not pass or do not take the test are assigned additional coursework to be completed before taking exams, or before the end of the first year of the course. Those who, at the end of the first year, have not completed this extra coursework will not be allowed to sit exams. The material to prepare students for the initial skills test is available online, via the DIR platform. The test consists of an online test with 10 questions of comprehension and use of scientific language, 10 questions relating to representations, notations and basic concepts of mathematics and (in the next modality) a short computer skills test. To pass the test, it is necessary to achieve at least 50% of the marks in each of the two areas. The computer science test only provides an assessment of suitability. Any area in which this pass grade is not achieved will lead to specific additional coursework. Courses for recovery of the aforesaid skills are activated. The presentation of a self-certification or a certification attesting to the passing of a similar admission test in another University can be evaluated for the purpose of exemption from the test.

Learn more about the initial skills assessment test.

English Placement Test (EPT)

Any student who does not possess a suitable English language certificate must take the English Placement Test of Oxford University Press to determine their initial level of English language proficiency.

The test is designed to check your knowledge of the English language. Placement at level A1 or A2 means you will be obliged to attend an elementary course (20 hours) to prepare you for the more advanced English language course (50 hours).

The test does not substitute the Department’s English test, which must also be taken according to your own study plan and regulations of your degree programme.

Laboratory activity

To access the practical laboratory activities required for the Bachelor’s Degree in Green Chemistry, all students must have completed the entire compulsory training course on Health and Safety in the Workplace (MEDIUM RISK). Training must be completed before entering the first laboratory workshop.

The laboratory courses are compulsory and it is necessary to follow at least 90% of the hours dedicated to the activities in order to be admitted to the exam.

Recognition of additional academic credits

Some types of activities, while not being awarded a grade, may be approved by the Academic Board and included in the student’s academic transcript as Individual Educational Experiences (EFI). The Board, when updating the student’s academic record, will communicate to the Student Admin Office the category of activity. Subsequently, the Degree Boards will be able to take these experiences into account, assigning the credits provided for in the course's Didactic Regulations. 

Erasmus and internships

During the degree programme, it is possible to spend time abroad as part of the Erasmus project.

This degree programme also involves an Internship

Graduation Procedure

Check the information on procedure for completing the 3-year Bachelor degree 

Final exam of Bachelor degree in Green Chemistry

The degree is awarded on achieving 180 academic credits, including the final exam (thesis).

Quality Assurance of the Green Chemistry bachelor degree

Quality assurance of the teaching is linked to the University Quality Policies and implemented by monitoring and evaluation of the degree management, with a view to continuous improvement. The Degree Course Council is the academic body that deals with decisions most closely concerning the degree course, such as study plans, credit assignment, graduation procedures, graduation sessions and teaching calendars.

The documents relating to the quality of the CoS can be found in the appropriate section


Last modified 5 December 2023