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Recognition of extra credits for activity linked to studies

Degree course Green chemistry - a.y. 22/23

Some activities, while not being awarded a mark, may be recognised by the Teaching Committee and included in the student curriculum.

These include the following:

  • didactic support activities that do not fall within tutoring and assistance activities
  • participation in conferences / seminars in both active (organisational) and passive roles
  • participation in orientation initiatives
  • activities such as workshops and summer jobs (non-curricular, elective) related to Green Chemistry
  • training experiences abroad
  • participation in collegial bodies
  • extension of internship activities beyond 250 hours

Requests for accreditation of extra-curricular activities must contain an indication of the proposed activity with any organisational details and the total number of hours envisaged. The proposals are put forward to the Didactic Commission via the office, and submitted for discussion and approval by the Degree Course Council in the first available session.

The extra credits activity cannot overlap with that of other curricular teaching activities, nor form part of activities formalised in any other way or manner with the University (tutoring, assistance, civil service, etc).

For the purposes of the final exam, the extra activities recognised by the Didactic Commission are included in the calculation of additional credits and can constitute a maximum additional score of 2 points if carried out in Italy, and 3 points if at least one of them is carried out abroad.

The Course Council approves recognition of the score related to extra credit activity proposed by the Didactic Commission.

Last modified 28 September 2022