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About us

A department that is in touch with the future. This is, in a nutshell, the goal followed by our new team of teaching and research staff from scientific, economic, medical, legal, social and humanity fields. These academics come together to tackle research, teaching and third mission issues revolving around the concept of Sustainable Growth, as conceptualised by the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals laid down in the UN 2030 Agenda.

Key features

You will play an active role in your own education

  • the ratio between students and teachers is low (about 16:1) so you can be followed personally without being overwhelmed by the impersonal dynamics of a large organisation
  • thanks to tutoring activities, we can help you make responsible and informed choices
  • it is the University's duty and mission to offer you advanced training and what you will learn comes from the most up-to-date research findings of our teachers, who are also researchers
  • you will be able to study in a welcoming and friendly environment (in the classroom and online), participate in cultural or research initiatives, collaborate with students and professors, experiment with work activities with the 6023 web radio, complete an internship in organisations and companies in Italy and also abroad, and follow the research taking place in our Department (third in Italy in terms of quality).

You will study in prestigious historic premises, easy to reach and well-equipped.

  • teaching and research activities are housed in renovated historic buildings (Convent wing of the Basilica of Sant'Andrea, Palazzo Tartara, Ex-Ospedaletto, S. Giuseppe training center) in the historic centre of Vercelli and very close to train and bus stations
  • you will have at your disposal classrooms equipped with the best technological support, computer language laboratories with free access, audiovisual laboratories for the processing of texts and images, research centres and laboratories
  • you will be able to study in a library with around 60,000 volumes and 7,500 years of periodicals to consult on open shelves and online.

Some of the best research work in Italy

You can access the many research projects that put our University among the top-ranked research institutions in Italy.

Student satisfaction

The proposed training offer reflects students' expectations: more than 91% of graduates declare themselves satisfied with the degree course as a whole.

Most students graduate “on time” here...

According to the recent AlmaLaurea Report on the Profile of Graduates in Italian Universities, DiSUM students attend courses regularly, graduate and find work quickly. Specifically, 61% of our graduates obtain their qualification on time (the national average is 58.4%).

... and quickly find employment

According to the AlmaLaurea survey on employment for graduates, the rate of employment for Master’s gradates is 55.6 %, and the time between graduating and finding the first job is just 4.8 months for Bachelor graduates and 3.5 months for Masters.


These are the statistics that make our Department a student-friendly and advanced training institution of choice:

  • around 230 students enrolled on courses
  • over 48 teachers, researchers and temporary teachers
  • 2 Bachelor’s programmes
  • 1 Master’s degree
  • the teaching modules and lab work
  • 11 international partnerships
  • 3 Erasmus agreements across Europe
  • research centres and laboratories
  • numerous extra-curricular activities
  • and also: computer rooms, multimedia laboratories, library, and a very high level of digitalisation to support teaching and administrative practices.
  • places in university residences, paid student collaborations, internships and apprenticeships.