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Final exam

Degree course Green chemistry - a.y. 22/23

The final exam consists in assessment of the candidate's ability to present and discuss the contents of a thesis prepared during the internship activity, with clarity and command of language; the tutor will also act as Supervisor of the thesis, which will be presented in the presence of a Degree Commission composed of 5 professors.

The thesis, which must highlight the methodologies used and a critical analysis of the results obtained, can be written in Italian or, with the consent of the Supervisor, in a foreign language, including a summary in Italian.

For each candidate, the Chair of the degree commission identifies a reviewer who, before the discussion, makes a detailed and complete evaluation of the work done and the report. The supervisor and reviewer agree on a joint evaluation of the paper and formulate a grade mark (from 0 to 2 points).

The final exam will be assigned a (qualitative) grade by the Commission and a graduation mark (quantitative) by adding the score of the commission members (from 0 to 1 point) and the score (from 0 to 2 points) agreed between the supervisor and the reviewer.

This score is added to the value of the basic average (calculated as the weighted average of the marks of the exams, reported in one hundred and ten), with an increase of 0.33 points for each exam with a grade of 30/30 cum laude (up to a maximum of 3 points), and 1 bonus point for students who graduate within the allocated time. To these are added the points deriving from the enhancement of individual training experiences (EFI) approved by the Teaching Commission in the form of supernumerary credits, in amounts ranging from 2 to 3 points maximum at the discretion of the Degree Commission (see appropriate section). Participation in international mobility programmes can be assessed with a merit score, up to a maximum of one point.

In the event that the final score exceeds 114/110 and the student passes at least one exam with a grade of 30/30 with honours, the supervisor can propose the attribution of honours to the degree; in the event that the score exceeds 117/110, the supervisor can propose a mark with distinction. In both cases, the grading must be deliberated by unanimous vote of the Commission.

Last modified 28 September 2022