i) Work Placements and Internships (for companies)
Degree course Green Chemistry - a.y. 23/24
Why hosting an intern/internship?
The internship is a useful tool not only for the student and graduate who have the opportunity to come into contact with the world of work, putting into practice the knowledge they have acquired, but also for the host institution or company which can contribute to the training of the intern, identified on the basis of its own needs.
How to activate an internship:
companies wishing to collaborate with the Department and the University by publicising their internship offers/requests must carry out the accreditation procedure at the Companies/Entities Registration link.
Guidelines / instructions for the activation of internships and apprenticeships can be found in the pdf attachment at the bottom of the page.
Once in possession of access credentials, all the above-mentioned activities can be managed independently from the reserved area.
Identification of the trainee:
the first contact between the candidate and the company can take place on the initiative of the student/graduate, the Department or the host organisation or company.
Stipulation of the agreement and of the training project:
Traineeships are implemented on the basis of special agreements stipulated between the Department and/or the University and the host body/company. The agreement provides for insurance cover (accident and third party liability) at the University's expense.
After the agreement has been signed, the training and guidance project can be drawn up, containing all the relevant information. The maximum duration of curricular traineeships is 12 months, while for training and orientation traineeships it is 6 months.
Conduct of the traineeship and its conclusion
During the course of the placement, the host tutor signs the trainee's attendance register. At the end of the internship, the host organisation or company is asked to draw up a final report (on headed notepaper) in which the internship experience of the student is evaluated.
For further information and for support during the accreditation process, it is advisable to contact Sabrina Burocco (Servizio agli Studenti Orientamento & Job Placement, via Duomo 6 - tel. 0161 261559)
Guidelines / instructions for the activation of internships and apprenticeships
- Documento PDF - 1.37 MB
Last modified 15 January 2024