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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y.22/23

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure

The three-year Bachelor’s degree course in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development is open to all (no number restrictions) and lasts 3 years (full-time) or 4 or 6 years (part-time).

Course location: Vercelli

The Chair of the Course Council (CCS) is Prof. Enrico Ferrero, e-mail:

To ask for more information, consult the page UPO risponde


The Degree Course in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (hereinafter, GASS) is aimed at all those who are interested in the environment and its interactions with society in order to promote sustainable development, addressing and solving complex problems that arise in this area.

Students who gravitate towards a degree on these issues are looking for a course of study that nourishes their passion for environmental conservation, the fight against climate change and sustainable development in all fields of society and the world of production. They are also interested in acquiring specific and complementary skills to contribute to the transition towards sustainable development models in all economic activity.

The degree programme aims to build the foundations for a career in the field of environmental protection, sustainable and conscious management of natural resources, transformation of production processes according to the principles of the circular economy, enhancement and promotion of functions in a sustainable way, or for continuing education at a higher level of training and research.

To obtain the degree you must achieve 180 academic credits.

Possible fields of employment

With regard to the main employment opportunities, the course envisages the training of a professional figure capable of providing advice and support to public and private entities that intend to follow a path towards sustainability (Sustainability Manager).

Furthermore, as a degree course in Environmental Sciences, it offers opportunities as:

  • environmental quality certification specialist
  • specialist in eco-sustainable planning of the territory
  • renewable energy sources specialist
  • energy-saving and renewable energy specialists
  • environmental control specialists
  • nature and sports guides

Furthermore, you will be able to continue your studies with a Master's Degree, subject to satisfying the admission requirements.

Course organisation

In this section you can find the GASS Courses and Programmes , information on the Study Plan (organisation of lessons and educational activity; how to complete the Study Plan), the Didactic Regulations, (the set of rules on teaching that regulate the course), the Didactic System (the set of general rules that regulate the course) for your own cohort (generally related to the year of matriculation).

For more information on courses and programmes of previous years, you can visit the page Course Archive.

From the Library Catalogue you can search by content or teacher, and find the textbooks recommended for preparation of exams.

Lessons timetable

You can find information on the lessons timetable in UPOPlanner

Assessment of initial skills

Anyone may apply for this course. However, initial preparation is verified through a compulsory test which all students enrolling on the course must complete. Failure to pass the test does not preclude the possibility of enrolling; at the same time, passing the test does not earn you any academic credits.

English Placement Test (EPT)

Any student who does not possess a suitable English language certificate must take the English Placement Test of Oxford University Press to determine their initial level of English language proficiency.

The test is designed to check your knowledge of the English language. Placement at level A1 or A2 means you will be obliged to attend an elementary course (20 hours) to prepare you for the more advanced English language course (50 hours).

The test does not substitute the Department’s English test, which must also be taken according to your own study plan and regulations of your degree programme.

Laboratory activity

Students who need to access the Laboratories of the aforementioned courses, must have completed training in Health and Safety in the Workplace (MEDIUM RISK). This training must be completed before entering the first laboratory.

Erasmus and internships

During the degree programme, it is possible to spend time abroad as part of the  Erasmus project.

This degree programme also involves an Internship

Course Quality Assurance

The documents relating to the quality of the CdS can be found in the appropriate section.


Last modified 5 December 2023