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Erasmus for study purposes

For students, the University offers the opportunity to gain experience abroad through an Erasmus + scholarship.

You can participate in Erasmus + mobility programs for study if you are regularly enrolled and if there is a university partnership at the destination you wish to choose.

The minimum period of stay is 3 months, the maximum 12.

Every year a Call is published which always refers to the academic year following the one in which the application is made. Don't miss the orientation days!

To complete the application and apply on time, check everything carefully first.

If you have passed the selection procedure, you will have to make your acceptance official. If you change your mind, you can opt out, but you will pay a penalty.

Before leaving you will need to fill in a study project called the Learning Agreement by consulting with the contact person for your study programme. The Italian and foreign tutors must approve the programme of the chosen courses.

Furthermore, before leaving, you will need to sign a Financial Agreement at the Rectorate, Vercelli offices. You will also have to complete the paperwork at the university of destination.

At the end of the period of stay, the Didactic Commission of your Degree Programme will transfer the credits earned abroad as established in the Learning Agreement. Please note: if you have not completed activities that earn training credits, the contribution you have received must be returned in full. Also, if you return earlier than expected, you will have to return part of the contribution received, in proportion to the reduction in the period of stay.

If you belong to a category of students with an SLD, additional forms of support are provided.

On the University page Erasmus + for study purposes (Bando Erasmus+ ai fini di studio) you will find all the information. In particular, on the Forms and useful documents page (Moduli e documenti utili) you will find all the forms that are useful for starting the procedure.

Last modified 20 July 2022