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Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y. 24/25

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2024/2025

Membership structure

Watch the video presentation of the course!

The programme

The course of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development L-32 is open admission (without number restrictions).

The course lasts 3 years (full-time) or 4 or 6 years part-time.

To achieve the degree you must gain 180 academic credits.

The course is held in Vercelli.

The Course Chair is Prof. Enrico Ferrero, e-mail:

The Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (GASS) is aimed at all those who are interested in the environment and its interactions with society in order to promote sustainable development, addressing and solving complex problems that arise in this area.

Students interested in a degree on these topics are looking for a course of study that feeds their passion for environmental conservation, the fight against climate change and sustainable development in all fields of society and the manufacturing world. They are also interested in acquiring specific and complementary skills to contribute to the transition towards sustainable development models in any form of economic activity.

The degree programme intends to build a knowledge base for a career in the field of environmental protection, sustainable and conscious management of natural resources, transformation of production processes according to the principles of the circular economy, enhancement and promotion of business in a sustainable key, or continue towards a higher level of training and research.

Key features

  • The teaching approach is both multi/transdisciplinary:ability to analyse environmental systems and manage ecosystem problems with a multi/transdisciplinary perspective
  • exploiting the skills and research acquired during the entire training course in an integrated way

and practical:

  • the courses have an experimental approach thanks to the lab activities and analysis of case studies
  • also involving external experts (e.g., entrepreneurs, managers, etc.) and innovative and transdisciplinary teaching (i.e., the co-presence of teachers from different disciplinary sectors)
  • Events and field excursions guided by teachers, in order to manage environmental problems not only from a theoretical point of view but also (and above all)from a practical point of view.


Employment opportunities

As far as the main job opportunities are concerned, it is envisaged to train a professional figure capable of providing advice and support to public and private entities wishing to follow a path towards sustainability (Sustainability Manager).

Specialist roles

  • Laboratory technician for chemical, biological, and microbiological environmental analyses
  • Expert in environmental impact assessment
  • Expert in the management of civil protection activities
  • Environmental monitoring technician
  • Ecological restoration technologist
  • Sustainability Manager 

In addition, you may continue your studies within a Master's degree, subject to access requirements.


Course organisation

In this section you can find:

Study plans

Teaching regulations

  • Teaching regulations

For information on courses and programmes from previous years, visit the following page.


To enrol/register

Admission to this course is open to all. However, the initial level of preparation is assessed through a compulsory test in which all students who enrol on the course must participate. Failure of the test does not preclude the possibility of enrolment; at the same time, a positive outcome does not give the right to credits.

English Placement Test

All students who do not possess an English language proficiency certificate are required to take the English Placement Test, a computerised test by Oxford University Press used to determine the level of English language proficiency of incoming students.

The test aims to verify the level of knowledge of the English language. A level equal to A1 or A2 involves attendance of the basic course (20 hours) which offers useful preparation for access to English language teaching (50 hours).

The test does not replace the English language exam, which must in any case be taken according to one's study plan and indications provided by the degree programme.

Lab activity

To access the practical laboratory activities envisaged as part of the bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, all students must have completed the entire training course on Health and Safety in the Workplace (MEDIUM RISK). Training must be completed before entering the first lab.


Student Representatives

Student representatives are part of the governing bodies of the Department and the University; they are an important component which helps to direct all its activities.

The office of the student representatives in Vercelli is located in room B3 at the Ex-Ospedaletto, viale Garibaldi 98.


Do you need information? Discover who to contact, and how

  • If you are looking for information on lecturers and office hours: UPObook
  • If you want to contact the Student Secretariat: UPOrisponde
  • If you want to speak directly with the Secretariat (in case of particularly complex issues): UPOriceve
  • If you need services to support students with disabilities/DSA: UPOrisponde
  • If you are looking for information on job orientation, internships/internships and job placement:

A complete list of useful contacts can be found here.

During the registration period, the servizio PIM.

The sportello “S.O.S.T.A.” Servizio Orientamento e Servizio Tutorato di Ateneo is a peer-to-peer service for the reception and support of students, implemented with the collaboration of university students.



The University of Eastern Piedmont continues to assist outgoing students as part of numerous types of mobility abroad promoted by the University (Erasmus+ Call for Study and Traineeship purposes, Free Mover Call, Free Mover for Binational Degree Projects and Pathways). In particular, the Erasmus and International Students Office deals with relations between students and supervisors of internationalisation at the partner universities. This support is highly reflected not only in the context of the Erasmus+ Call for Study Purposes, but also extends to mobility for traineeship purposes, especially through support in finding a place to work (to this end, the University website provides a constantly updated list of predefined internships and websites useful for finding a host institution).

In order to further facilitate outgoing students, we try to put them in contact with students who have already had an international mobility experience and/or with incoming international students, so that there can be an exchange of information from a practical organisational point of view. A useful tool that has been in place for some years now in all departments is the Erasmus WIKI, a web page where students can find useful information to organise their stay abroad.
The Erasmus and International Students Office also deals with the distribution of EU and ministerial funds, calculating due scholarship funds, and preparing financial records for all the types of mobility listed above.

As far as international mobility agreements are concerned, it should be noted that there are currently more than 179 inter-institutional agreements in force as part of the Erasmus+ scheme; in addition, the university has signed international cooperation agreements, 11 with European universities and 11 with non-EU universities.


As regards incoming students, the Erasmus and International Students Office offers support and assistance to students during the application phase, providing them with contact details of the Student Services, Careers Guidance, and Job Placement Offices, in order to receive information on available accommodation in university residences and the calendar of teaching activities.

Furthermore, the Erasmus and International Students Office also continues to collaborate with the ESN Piemonte Orientale association regarding the organisation of events intended to promote international mobility, such as the Linguistic Tandem, the Welcome Days and the Erasmus Days (held in October each year).

Through the Teaching and Student Services Office, the Department supplies support to students undertaking mobility schemes, providing specific information on the possibilities for such, scholarships and general services, helping them complete the grant applications for activity abroad (seminars, thesis preparation, internships). The Office is also available to help incoming international students.


Course Quality Assurance

The teaching quality assurance is related to the University quality policies and is implemented and monitored on the course to guarantee ongoing improvement. At course level, quality assurance is overseen by the Quality Team and Review Group.

The documents relating to the quality of the CdS can be found in the appropriate section.

Last modified 31 July 2024