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Study plans: general information

Below you will find the methods for submitting the plans (online or hard copy) and the deadlines for completion.

Students who enrol in the 1st year in 2023-24 must complete their study plans online.

Compilation, recompilation and changing plans online

  Bachelor degrees Master’s degrees

18.09.2023 - 22.10.2023

Students enrolled in the third year can complete the plan until 31 October 2023

18.09.2023 - 14.01.2024

Recompilation 23.10.2023 - 29.10.2023 15.01.2024 - 21.01.2024


How to fill in the study plan online

Recommended steps

  1. Read the compilation GUIDE and all the details
  2. Access "STUDENT ONLINE SERVICES" with your University credentials (Learn more about your University IT credentials)
  3. The "ONLINE PLANS" service is active.
  4. Confirm the plan: remember that the study plan will be correctly presented only after pressing the CONFIRM PLAN button at the end of the procedure.
  5. Remember to save the completed study plan in pdf format.


Study plan templates and option cards are available in the relevant section of each degree course.

Last modified 12 October 2023