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5. Curricular internship/placement


The programme of the Master’s could include attendance of an internship/placement.

If the student has difficulty finding a host institution, please notify the Manager of the Master’s course and the Master’s HelpDesk by email.

Please note that the planned internship hours must be completed in full.

The internship can last up to one year.


Procedure for launching an Internship/Placemnet

The student identifies the host institution and makes contact directly by providing the link to the information pages on the master's internships and the email address of contact person Angelica Venturini 

The host institution proceeds with accreditation on the university website in view of stipulation of an agreement, if this does not already exist (see the instructions Online services for companies - How to access the University Internship portal, in the attachments).

While the agreement iter is in progress, the student sends an email to the Master's Course Manager and the Master's HelpDesk with a brief description of the tutor's profile so that the Master's management can assess whether the person is eligible for the role, putting the tutor in cc.

After signing the agreement, the educational programme will be drawn up on the basis of the data entered in the system. The document will be sent to the student and must be signed in triplicate:

• by the student

• by the Legal Representative of the Host Institution (or by their delegate)

• by the Manager of our Department.

PLEASE NOTE: the internship can only start after the project has been signed by everyone.

The trainees must adapt to the internal rules defined by each company, follow the guidelines adopted by the Piedmont Regional Coordination Committee (Co.Re.Co) and carry out, before the start of the traineeship, the health and safety training course for workers equivalent to a low, medium or high risk level depending on the activity to be carried out; it is necessary for the interested party to verify precisely which type of course is required by the Host Organisation in order to be able to carry out the internship in the selected Service/Office.

The university makes the following courses available so that they can be taken before the internship begins; the interested party must send an email with the subject "START INTERNSHIP MASTER" to the address (copying in the contact person of the Master’s HelpDesk) in order to have access to the online courses.

Courses available:

  • low-risk activities: general training course (4 hours) on Health and Safety for Workers (art. 37 Legislative Decree 81/08) plus specific low-risk training course (also 4 hours) which are required to perform the service in contexts of normal office work (by way of example and not limited to: administrative, accounting, insurance offices); if the student has already followed equivalent courses, he/she can forward the certificate to the email address for assessment of conformity and therefore possibly be exempted from following the above courses (in communications via e-mail, please also copy in the Master’s HelpDesk).
  • for those who have to carry out activities in health area facilities, the High Risk Health Course (16 h) validated by the Piedmont Region is available online, including both GENERAL TRAINING and SPECIFIC TRAINING in health and safety for equivalent workers (art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08) - High risk - ATECO sector 2007 Q 86 (HEALTH). PLEASE NOTE: the course made available is in a single 'package' therefore, even those who have already completed the Health and Safety in the Workplace Course - General Training and Low Risk Specific Training for Workers and Equivalent to Workers will have to redo all the 16-hour course; those who have already attended similar courses (High Health Risk, 16 h) must send the certificate for assessment of conformity to the Head of the Health and Safety Dept. of the facility where they will have to carry out the activity (in email communications please copy in also the Master’s HelpDesk).

If the host organisation requests a course other than those offered by our University, it will have to guarantee, during the internship start-up phase, adequate information and training on health and safety in the workplace pursuant to articles 36 and 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008.

During the Internship/Placement

The student in the internship is followed by a company tutor - supervisor, who will certify the actual presence of the student during the traineeship, with specific documentation.

Internship timetable

The student is required to respect the timetable agreed with the Tutor without exceeding 8 hours a day; if the 6 hours are exceeded, a break of at least 30 minutes must be granted.

The internship hours must be completed separately and in addition to the working hours, therefore outside the hours registered as service (the same hour cannot count as internship and work).

The hours of attendance are recorded through an attendance register which will be kept at the internship location; it must be filled in by the student, endorsed by the Tutor, and at the end of the experience, the original must be delivered in to the Master’s HelpDesk.

Remember that the register is an official document for which the use of Tipp-ex and/or other covering correctors is forbidden: in the event of an error, draw a line so that the previously indicated text is still legible and then write down the correct data.

Location of the Internship

If the student moves from the address (or addresses) indicated as the internship location(s), he/she must notify the Sportello Master via email for insurance matters; remote activity is excluded.

Extension to Master’s internship

In the event of need to extend the internship period, the student is invited to submit the "request for change in master's internship", at least one week in advance of the deadline, by completing the relevant form and sending it by email to the Master’s Helpdesk

At the end of the placement/internship

Deadline for submitting original attendance register at end of internship

The documentation and attendance registers necessary for recognition of the activity in question must be sent at least 3 months before graduation.

Documents for the validation of the traineeship/internship

In order to be able to obtain validation of the activity undertaken, the following documents must be forwarded to the Sportello Master contact person

  • attendance registers with all original signatures, including those of the Company Tutor and the Master's Director
  • final report on the activity carried out (instructions for drawing up the report are available in the attachments section) dated and signed

Accreditation of working activity

In some cases, it is possible to obtain recognition of the work activity in lieu of attending the internship/traineeship.

For professional apprenticeships (minimum duration 500 hours) this possibility is not contemplated.

For recognition, the student is invited to submit a request by completing the Work Activity Recognition Form.


Last modified 4 October 2023