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h) Work Placements and Internships (for students)

Degree course Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - GASS - a.y. 23/24

In order to do an internship, students need to have acquired a minimum number of CFUs (90), they also need to have passed all first-year examinations (marks don't need to be registered) and they need to have taken all individual modules.

The internship is expected to last 150 hours.

Trainees will have to comply with the internal rules defined by each company, follow the guidelines adopted by the Piedmont Regional Coordination Committee (Co.Re.Co) and carry out, before the start of the traineeship, the health and safety training course for workers and those equivalent to workers with a low, medium or high risk level corresponding to the activity to be performed; it is necessary for the person concerned to check precisely which type of course is required by the Host Organisation in order to carry out the traineeship in the identified Service/Office.

Available courses:

  • low risk activities: general training course (4 hours) on Health and Safety for Workers (art. 37 Legislative Decree 81/08) plus specific training course on low risk (also 4 hours), which are required to serve in realities where normal office work is carried out (by way of example but not limited to: administrative offices, accountants, insurance companies); if the student has already taken equivalent courses, he/she may forward the certificate to the email address for conformity assessment and thus possibly be exempted from taking the above courses (in email communications please also put the master desk in cc).
  • For those who have to carry out activities in health facilities, the High Risk Health Course (16 hrs) validated by the Piedmont Region is available on-line, including both GENERAL TRAINING and SPECIFIC TRAINING on health and safety for workers with equivalent rights (Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08) - High Risk - Sector ATECO 2007 Q 86 (HEALTHCARE). ATTENTION: the Course made available is a single 'package', therefore, even those who have already completed the Safety and Health in the Workplace Course - General Training and Specific Low Risk Training for Workers and Workers Equivalent to Workers will have to redo the entire 16-hour Course; those who have already attended similar courses (High Risk Health, 16 hours) must transmit the certificate for conformity assessment to the Prevention and Protection Service Manager of the facility where the activity is to be performed (in e-mail communications, please also include the master's desk in the cc).

N.B. If the Host Institution requests a course other than those offered by our University, it must guarantee, at the start of the placement, adequate information and training on health and safety in the workplace pursuant to Articles 36 and 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008.

Last modified 30 July 2024