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QA Third Mission

Alongside the two fundamental objectives of education and research, the university pursues a third mission, it promotes the exploitation and use of knowledge to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of society.

In this perspective, each structure within the University is committed to communicating and disseminating knowledge through a direct relationship with the territory and its actors.

The purpose of the Third Mission QA is to monitor the conditions under which Third Mission activities are carried out.
That is: to establish the objectives, implement what is necessary to achieve them by removing any obstacles, observe the performance of the planned activities and verify the achievement of results.

The main actors involved in the QA of the Third Mission at the level of the Departments are:

  • Departments
  • Departmental Quality Managers for the Third Mission.

The QA structure for Third Mission at Department level is composed of:

  • Departmental Quality Managers for the Third Mission (RQTM)
  • Third Mission Commission

The composition of these bodies is decided by the Department Council.

As part of the Third Mission activities, numerous initiatives have been activated, some of which have taken on a stable and structural character in the Department's activities.

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