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l) Final exam and graduating

Degree course Disaster and Health Crisis Management - a.y. 24/25

The qualification is obtained after having acquired 120 CFUs, including the final exam and the internship. The final test consists in a verification of the candidate's ability to present and discuss with clarity and mastery of language the contents of a thesis in English, in front of a Commission appointed by Director's Decree.

In order to be able to discuss the final exam on the basis of the completion of the university course and to allow the fulfillment of the administrative formalities connected to it, the student must have acquired all the credits required to access it. The graduation application must be filed at the office that manages the Student Secretariat procedures strictly within the month preceding the date set by the Annual Calendar of Degrees approved by the Department Council. The credits to access the final exam must be earned at least 15 days prior to the graduation date. The Graduation Commission, made up of 5 Professors, is proposed by the CCS and appointed by the Director's Decree. The training activities related to the preparation of the final test / thesis are carried out under the guidance of a supervisor. The Student will have to conduct a research activity on a topic dealt with during the study. The period of development of the contents required for the final test, in addition to being carried out at a research laboratory of the University or other university or external body, public or private, in agreement and / or on the basis of specific agreements, may be also promoted in the context of international mobility projects. Further details can be found in the documentation Course Learning Regulation / Regolamento didattico).

Last modified 15 July 2024