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Initial Skills Assessment

Access to our three-year Bachelor degree courses requires certain skills (i.e. combinations of knowledge, abilities and attitudes) relating to the understanding and use of scientific language, including mathematical representations and notations, taking into account the National Instructions and Guidelines for secondary schools. These skills are verified, for all enrolled students, through an Initial Skills Assessment Test.

This test does not earn any academic credits, and a negative result does not preclude participation in the courses, but students who do not pass or do not take the test are assigned additional remedial obligations, necessary for taking the exams. Consequently, the remedial obligations must be fulfilled before being able to sit the exams and in any case within the first year of the course.

The test will take place in person, in a computer lab equipped with a PC, on a day and at a time when lessons are suspended.

The test consists of an online questionnaire that includes 20 questions related to the comprehension and use of texts in Italian and mathematical representations and notations. The maximum duration of the test is 40 minutes (with the exception of those who are entitled to more time). If during the test the student is caught copying or if he/she leaves the workstation before the end of the exam, the test is deemed null and void. For further details, please refer to the following sections.

All participants must bring a valid identity document on the day of the test.

Preparation Sessions for the Initial Skills Assessment Test

At the end of September/beginning of October (dates to be defined) freshers will be able to participate in face-to-face meetings (subject to registration) in which the skills required in the test will be illustrated and how the DIR platform works will be explained. The features of the DIR platform and test will be presented, and some aspects related to the contents of the test will be explored in depth. These meetings are organised within the activities of the Scientific Degree Plan. Participation in these meetings is optional.

Test calendar





Initial Skills Assessment Test

30 October 2024      

In IT lab with PCs

Candidates who have completed the registration process within the stated deadline

Before taking the test, each student must:

  • check that their enrolment is complete/confirmed
  • have accessed the DIR platform, using their student enrolment number and password chosen at the time of registration on the online services platform when completing pre-enrolment.

To participate in the test

The student must enrol for the test on Esse3 selecting CONOSCENZE INIZIALI (INITIAL SKILLS) code MF0436 (enrolments still to be confirmed).


Exemptions apply ONLY to:

  • students who have taken the test at secondary school in collaboration with DiSIT and DiSSTE, and who have attached the test result certificate to their enrolment application  
  • students who have had the credits approved following transfer from another course/university

Those who have a certification attesting to a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) are entitled to additional time when taking the test. If such certificates were not submitted at the time of enrolment, then you must immediately contact to inform them of your need, attaching a copy of the certification.

All students may use a non-graphing calculator.

Later dates

At the end of December 2024, there will be an additional test session for those who did not pass the test in the first session of October.

The additional obligations for those who do not pass the test in the October round include a remedial course (INITIAL SKILLS) that will be held from October to January. The calendar of such courses will be published on the DISSTE website. The dates, times and classrooms of the remedial course will be published on UPOPlanner. The additional remedial requirements must be fulfilled before taking credit-worthy exams and in any case within the first year of the course.


Each question is worth a maximum of 0.5 points.
The pass mark is 5.01/10 for a total of 20 questions.

Operational information and information on the test topics and preparation materials can be found on the Orienta.DIR platform. To access the platform, you must register using your Google or Facebook credentials, or credentials created at the moment.

Previous academic years

For more information about the test, contact:

For more information about enrolment, refer to UPORISPONDE.

Last modified 5 August 2024