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a) Tutor teachers / teaching commission

Degree course Food Health and Environment - a.y. 23/24

The teacher-tutor has the task of advising, directing and accompanying you in the compilation of option cards/ web plans, as well as during the entire academic path.

  • Prof. Giampiero Valè
  • Prof.ssa Elisa Bona
  • Prof.ssa Irma Dianzani

Teaching commission

The Teaching Commission collaborates with the Board of Studies and its President on the activities related to teaching, in particular: the preparation of the schedule of classes, the training of graduate commissions, the coordination of teachers-tutors, the formulation and evaluation of tests of incoming skills, guidance on entry and in progress, in training projects abroad and international mobility and in all the initiatives that the Degree Programme implements in the educational field.

  • Prof. Marco Arlorio
  • Prof.ssa Maria Cavaletto
  • Prof. Giampiero Valè
  • Prof.ssa Irma Dianzani


Last modified 12 October 2023