t) Requirements for admission and Enrollment
Degree course Food Health and Environment - a.y. 23/24
Non-EU candidates
Non-EU candidates living outside Italy who need the VISA interested in enrolling in Master degree must submit their visa application using the Universitaly portal.
Non-EU students interested in any Degree programme can apply for a pre-evaluation of the previous qualifications before applying to the Universitaly portal
We confirm candidate acceptance on the Universitaly Portal only if the required documents are valid and correctly uploaded.
Please attach:
- (a) qualification related to the first cycle (Level 6EQF) or substitute certificate for all legal purposes, accompanied by attestation issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC center (CIMEA) or any Declaration of Value;
- (b) Legalized translation of the title (IF AVAILABLE);
- (c) Transcript of records - issued by the home university - certifying the exams taken;
The finalisation of enrolment will take place only when the University of Eastern Piedmont has verified the actual suitability of the foreign qualification and the authenticity of the documentation produced even after the study visa has been obtained.
More information is available on the ministry website.
The deadline for submission of pre-enrolment applications for undergraduate and Master’s degrees (including Single Cycle Master’s degrees) at UPO, for international students who require a study visa, is 15 September 2023, further information is available here.
Pre-enrolment applications submitted to UNIVERSITALY after the deadline cannot be considered for approval.
Italian candidates
- Candidates can send to the President of the Course the FORM filled and a self-certification of the career plan of the previous university path, indicating the exams taken, the related scientific disciplinary sectors, the credits earned and the mark obtained for each exam. The Didactic Committee will evaluate eligibility of degrees. The form is available at the bottom of the page
- Candidates will be submitted to oral verification of their achievements by the Didactic Committee. The Faculty will also evaluate whether the candidate has a fluency of English comparable to B2.
- To complete the enrollment procedure follow the following instructions.
Form - Italian applicants (Nulla osta)
- Documento PDF - 204.25 KB
Last modified 30 July 2024