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Disability, Work and Equal Opportunities - Master in Disability Management and Social Inclusion

Typology Course

External student

Date of publication


PERIOD: January 2023 – December 2023

Academic Staff

Prof. Roberta Lombardi
Prof. Fabrizia Santini


The Master’s lasts one year and begins in January 2023, ending in
December 2023.


Lessons will be held at weekends (Fridays and Saturday) and most hours will be taught online (e-learning); the labs and practical workshops take place at premises of University of Eastern Piedmont, del Multipurpose Rehabilitation Centre T. Borsalino (Alessandria) and the Outpatient Eye Centre “Gardella” (Alessandria).

N.B. At least 75% of lesson hours must be attended and you must pass the final exam to be awarded the qualification.


The Master’s is structured in 5 modules:

  1. Knowing the disability
  2. Inclusion of the disabled person in the working context
  3. Management of the employment relationship
  4. Suitable conditions
  5. Disability and Diversity Management


. At the end of the course, a Master's degree in "Disability, work and equal opportunities - Disability management and social inclusion" will be issued, signed by the Rector and Course Managers.

Auditors will instead be issued a certificate of attendance at the end of the course.


The objectives of the Master’s degree consist in the acquisition of scientific and technical skills in the medical, legal, educational, social, managerial and humanistic fields, to train professionals in the field of disability.

The aim is to develop training related to accessibility, increasing awareness of issues relating to the third sector, social inclusion and independent living.

The Master’s is aimed at acquiring skills in Disability Management, a managerial orientation focused on the person with disability, with a transversal action between company areas and processes; this approach includes the planning strategy to the management of human resources, with the aim of adapting organisation in order to accommodate and manage the needs of the worker with disabilities.

The Master is also aimed at the knowledge and analysis of national and international legislation concerning the rights of people with disabilities and the promotion of independent living.


The Master’s is aimed at those who have obtained a degree from the old or new system, either three-year or specialist/master's degree.

The Master’s is aimed (with objectives of updating, improvement and professional and cultural requalification) at professionals in the private sector; at all social, cultural and health operators involved in services used or usable by people with disabilities and their families; as well as at all employees of the various areas of Public Administration.

It intends to provide the necessary skills for a "disability manager" to facilitate the entry and inclusion of the person with disability within the working context, both public and private, enhancing their skills.

The course is also aimed at training people capable of undertaking innovative initiatives - profit and non-profit - of self-entrepreneurship and self-employment in the field of managing all problems related to disability.

The skills acquired with the Master's can also be used in central administration authorities and the territorial bodies competent and engaged in social inclusion activities.


Last modified 10 July 2023