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h) Work Placements and Internships (for students)

Degree course Green Chemistry - a.y. 24/25

Curricular internships

During their studies, students may undertake a training period outside the university known as a curricular internship. The minimum duration of the internship for the Green Chemistry degree course is 250 hours, the maximum duration is 1 year. 

Curricular internships consist of a period of training carried out by students in a private company or public body; they represent a moment of alternation between study and work as part of training processes aimed at facilitating professional choices through direct knowledge of the world of work.
Access to the curricular internship is subject to the acquisition of 120 CFU and to passing all the examinations of the first year of the course.
During the internship some topics covered theoretically in the university course are tested and expanded upon. The internship can be carried out in Italy or abroad through special agreements between the University and the host organisation; it does not constitute an employment relationship and the activities carried out are not normally remunerated but training credits are issued. The experience can be reported not only in the student curriculum but also in the professional curriculum.
The Green Chemistry course of study includes safety training as a requirement for access to laboratory courses.

For further information and support during the accreditation process, please contact Sabrina Burocco (Servizio agli Studenti Orientamento & Job Placement, via Duomo 6 - tel. 0161 261559).

Post-graduate traineeships and internships

From the time of graduation, and within 12 months, it is possible to undertake training and orientation traineeships - or post-graduate internships - which aim to develop theoretical and practical skills geared towards facilitating access to the world of work and understanding its workings.

Postgraduate traineeships are often the first tool used by companies wishing to employ staff. When activating them, they follow the regional regulations of the workplace where the trainee is placed, are paid and usually have a maximum duration of six months. Students and graduates can independently search for a curricular or post-graduate internship in a company/body they are interested in or consult the internship offers posted by companies/bodies on the internship database to which they can apply online.

Last modified 5 July 2024