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d) Mentoring Programme

Degree course Green Chemistry - a.y. 24/25

Mentoring for students on the Green Chemistry degree course takes place at several levels.

  1. Mentoring carried out during teaching and laboratory activities: by means of a competitive selection process, students from master's and/or PhD courses are assigned to carry out activities to support students' teaching and learning and practical laboratory experiences
  2. Identification of the tutor teacher: the course assigns a reference teacher to each student, who acts as an interlocutor for any problems that may arise during the university experience. Assignment is made by e-mail with direct communication. Further details can be found here (link to tutor/CD teachers)
  3. Ongoing orientation mentors: orientation and peer-tutoring activities are organised for students enrolled at the University: orientation interviews carried out with dedicated personnel, S.O.S.T.A. peer tutoring meetings carried out with the collaboration of university students enrolled in different subject areas, study support and tutoring initiatives

The University supports students with mentoring activities:

  1. Tutoring
  2. Tutoring for students with disabilities or with DSA
  3. Reception and support for first-year students for study organisation needs

Last modified 30 July 2024