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Credit-earning exams

ssessment of your preparation can be made with intermediate tests and exams.

  • The mid-term evaluation tests, if held by the teacher, represent moments of verification of the level of preparation achieved in a segment or in a part of a given course; they do not offer a grade or acquisition of academic credits
  • The exams for credit are final tests (written or oral) of the subjects relating to the courses of one's own study plan.

To be admitted to the exams you must:

  • be up-to-date with the enrolment in the study programme and with fee payment
  • book to take the exam.

The exams are held on the basis of a calendar which includes an exam session at the end of each teaching period, in addition to a remedial session.

With a minimum grade of 18/30 you pass the exam; there is also the maximum mark of 30/30 cum laude.

The exam date is the date on which it is possible to take the exam. One or two exam dates are scheduled in each exam session.

Calendar exam dates

You can see the full calendar of exam dates on the EXAMS NOTICEBOARD  (this link takes you to Online Student Services)
From the menu, select DISSTE and then the teacher’s name.

Sessions 2024-2025

  • 27/01/2025 - 28/02/2025: Winter session and special exam date (*).
  • 16/06/2025 - 31/07/2025: Summer session
  • 01/09/2025 - 26/09/2025: Autumn session

Sessions 2023-2024

  • 13.11.2023 - 17.11.2023: Teaching suspended for the second exam date of the autumn session
  • 29.1.2024 - 1.3.2024: Special exam date (*) a.y. 22/23 and anticipated a.y. 23/24 (**)
  • 17.6.2024 - 31.7.2024: Summer session
  • 2.9.2024 - 27.9.2024: Autumn session


(*) The special session is for those who must take exams from the previous year

(**) The  anticipated session is for those who have courses in their study plan during the first semester of the current year.


Sessioni 2022-2023

  • 29.1.2024 - 1.3.2024: Special exam date (*) a.y. 22/23 and anticipated a.y. 23/24 (**)

(*) The special session is for those who must take exams from the previous year

(**) The  anticipated session is for those who have courses in their study plan during the first semester of the current year.

Last modified 29 July 2024