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4. DIR and IT services

After completing the online enrolment procedure, you will receive your enrolment number via e-mail, to the personal mailbox you indicated during registration. The matriculation number is a number that identifies you as a student of the University and is used in administrative procedures and to access IT services.

Warning: the enrolment procedure ends only with the payment of the first tuition fee instalment. Until then, to access the Student Portal on which you registered, you must use as your user ID: (at the end of the registration phase it could take a few minutes, maximum 5, before you can log in).

When you receive your enrolment number by e-mail, you must activate your institutional e-mail account by following the instructions found here: Email Service for Students. For problems relating to mailbox activation, write to

Once the mailbox is activated, the same e-mail credentials must be used to access:

If the password is successfully changed, your status is "active" and you can access your mailbox (go to, enter your user ID and the password “New Password” you just created).

We remind you that the email is the only address recognised by the University for receiving and sending communications. This way you can ensure that any confidential data is not sent to strangers.

In caso di problemi con la mail, contattare

DIR – Advanced Training

The teaching material of the Master’s in which you are enrolled will be made available on the DIR – Advanced Training platform:

To access, log in at the top right of the site homepage.

Select the relevant Academic Year under "Masters and Specialty Schools" > select the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition > select the type of Masters, first or second level > select the Master’s of interest and register in the DIR course.

Last modified 3 July 2023