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University Postgraduate Course in Integrated Medicine (1st Edition) a.y. 2022/2023

The 1st edition of the University Postgraduate Course in "INTEGRATED MEDICINE" is hereby established for the academic year 2022/2023 at the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition of the University of Eastern Piedmont.

Educational and professional goals

The Course intends to be a reasoned guide, a sort of Companion, of the realities and paths of biomedicine towards an INTEGRATED Medicine, of its hybridisations with other medical systems, of the changes in what we can define as "frontier territories", be they heterodox, borderline or even simply "new". However, this is not a purely descriptive work of a new 'health landscape', but rather a punctual verification - in theory and practice - of the scientificity and applicability of new proposals that can be included as scientific tools in the health professionals' tool box.

The skills acquired during this course will give the participants the ability to orient themselves in the world of new approaches to the patient, new medicines from other cultural systems, the world of deontological reflection, the world of the recomposition of the person and his subjectivity against the damage of reductionism, the world of physical therapy, the crisis of the doctor-patient relationship, the ethical world, the sociological world, the economic world (the welfare crisis and the economic effects of new medicines), and finally the regulatory world.

 This information can be used by the participants in their own professional activities.

At the end of the Course, a certificate of attendance will be issued by the University of Eastern Piedmont. In addition, CME accreditation will be initiated for this course.

Admission requisites

Those who meet the following requirements may apply for admission to the Course: an old-school, three-year degree and a master's degree obtained in one of the following classes pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/2004

  • LM-13 Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy;
  • LM-41 Medicine and Surgery;
  • LM-46 Dentistry and dental prosthetics
  • L/SNT1 Nursing and Midwifery Health Professions; -L/SNT2 Rehabilitation Health Professions
  • LM/SNT1 Nursing and Midwifery Health Professions;
  • LM/SNT2 Rehabilitation healthcare professions.

The Course Council will determine, when assessing applications, the relevance of the qualification submitted to that required.

Application and enrolment

The selection procedures and deadlines for admission to the Postgraduate Course and for subsequent enrolment in the course are set out in the Course Regulations entitled "Regulations - Integrated Medicine" in the Annexes section below.


Application submission: 31 March 2023, 12 noon (Italian time)

Publication of the ranking list: 14 April 2023

Submission of application and payment of the instalment: 5 May 2023, 12.00 noon (Italian time)

Contact details

  • Course Director: Prof. Claudio Molinari, associate professor at DiSSTE, UPO
  • Didactic Coordinator: Prof. Paola Brusa, associate professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, UniTo
  • Scientific Responsible: Dr. Alberto Chiantaretto

Should you require any further information on how to apply for admission and how to enrol for the Course, please contact the following e-mail address:


The total cost of the Postgraduate Course for each student is € 700.00 to be paid by the registration deadline. To the amount of the first contribution instalment must be added the value of the revenue stamp to be paid virtually (€ 16.00). In order to make the above payments, it is necessary to:

  • connect to the web page;
  • follow the path Reserved Area > Registration, and then click on "Web Registration"
  • enter the personal data progressively requested, until the user ID is generated, to which a password will have to be associated
  • access the Reserved Area using your user ID (at the end of the procedure referred to in the previous point, simply click on "Proceed with authentication")
  • click on "Segreteria", and access the "Enrolment page"
  • enter the information progressively requested, up to the generation and printing of the payment slip
  • go back to the menu item "Check payments" or "Payments not received", and then to the item "Invoice", where the payment slip will appear
  • print the slip and use it to make the payment in question at any bank, or by home-banking

Si ricorda inoltre che:

  • the number assigned by the system at the end of the on-line procedure, once enrolment has been completed, will be confirmed as the student's actual matriculation number (in the case of access subsequent to registration, if the system does not recognise the string "first name.surname" as the user name, this will be remedied by entering this matriculation number; as for the password, the one previously chosen may be used);
  • Following the updating of computerised procedures, deviations from the above operational guidelines are possible;
  • it is necessary to submit the application form to the "Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition of the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale - Ufficio Servizi alla Didattica e agli Studenti - Segreteria Studenti - via Galileo Ferraris 107 13100 Vercelli" by PEC, to the address, or alternatively by e-mail, to the address; the PEC or e-mail must have as subject the wording "Application for enrolment in the "University Course of Advanced Studies in "Integrated Medicine" - A. A. 2022/202020". A. 2022/2023 within the time and in the manner indicated above. It will not be possible to return the enrolment fee after the start of the frontal teaching activity.

For more information, contact the Teaching and Student Services Office – of the Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition department, via the page UPO Risponde (

Information regarding periods, venue and hours of teaching activity

  1.  Duration: annual, from May 2023 to March 2024
  2. Attendance: Attendance is compulsory, involving one Saturday per month for 8 hours. At least 95% of teaching hours must be attended in order to pass the course. Attendance is recorded on a specific register.
  3. Hours and credits: 275 hours of which 77 are classroom teaching, 198 individual study and 25 for the thesis. Completion of the Master’s and passing the final exam involves acquisition of 11 academic credits.


The student, who has obtained the 10 CFUs attesting to attendance of the individual modules, as well as having passed the final examination (1 CFU), will be awarded the Certificate of Attendance at the "University Postgraduate Course in INTEGRATED MEDICINE", signed by the Director of the Postgraduate Cours

ECM accreditation

An application for ECM accreditation for this course is being made, thereby attributing the relevant number of credits.

For more information, contact:



Last modified 4 October 2023