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Courses (CdS)

For the individual degree programmes, the responsibility for teaching and its quality lies with the Chair, supported by the Review Group (which assists in preparation of the Review Reports) and by the Quality Management Group of the degree programme as required by the SUA-CdS. The two groups may coincide.

The degree programme must guarantee constant commitment towards continuous improvement, in terms of the ability to aim towards results of ever greater value, setting educational objectives that are updated and aligned with the best national and international standards.

It is the duty of each degree programme council (in coordination with the Department) to define and implement the procedures suitable for achieving the aforementioned objectives and for the periodic monitoring necessary for this purpose.

It is the responsibility and task of the President of the Degree Course to draft:

  • Single Annual Report – degree programme
  • Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)
  • Cyclical Review Report (CRR)



Quality Management and Review Team



Technical/Admin Staff


L-32 Environmental Management and Sustainable Development

  • Enrico FERRERO (Chair)
  • Giorgio GATTI
  • Fabrizia SANTINI
  • Cesare GARIGLIO
  • Cristina SCALVINI

L-27 Green Chemistry

  • Enrico BOCCALERI (Chair)
  • Letizia FRACCHIA
  • Vittoria PIZZETTI

LM 6 -Food, Health and Environment

  • Giampiero VALE’ (Chair)
  • Cinzia BORGOGNA
  • Valentina MARTELLI
  • Luca DI DIO



Single Annual Study Course Schedule (SUA-CdS)

The SUA-CdS is a public computerised form that can be consulted on the web, in which each student body collects information on its activities.

Annual Monitoring Form - SMA (formerly Annual Review Report - RAR)

The Annual Monitoring Form (SMA) replaces the Annual Review Report (RAR) and is one of the novelties introduced by the revision of the AVA system.

Cyclic Review Report (RCR)

The RCR is drawn up periodically, depending on the duration of the degree and in any case in preparation for a periodic accreditation visit. Its purpose is to examine the validity of the training objectives and the management system used by the CoS.

All the documentation can be found in the dedicated section.

Last modified 18 January 2024