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Organisation of Courses (CdS)

Course Council

This is the academic body concerned with decisions most related to the degree course, such as study plans, credit recognition, graduation procedures, graduation sessions and teaching calendars.

The Council is headed by the Course Chair.

The main functions of the council are specified in the Course Academic Regulations.

The Course Council is made up of professors who have official teaching duties (tenured professors, researchers and contract professors) and elected student representatives.

Student representatives in the Course Council

The Student Representatives participate in the Course Councils with the task of:

• representing students' opinion on the progress of courses and contributing with collected opinions, ideas and proposals

• communicating to the students, with the help of other volunteers, the decisions taken by the Course Council.

The main objective is to foster communication, help students in their study path, draw attention to the problems that arise and, in collaboration with the Council, find solutions.

Teaching Committee

This deals with: verification of incoming procedures, guidance on procedures for course transfers, registering of exams.

The Commission can also be consulted before enrolment: in this case it offers advice on study paths that can be taken

In the Forms section you can find the  form for approval of credits and transfer between degree courses or universities, to be sent with all necessary documentation; subsequently, the Committee will contact you via email.


At the beginning of each academic year, each student is assigned a tutor.

Tutors deal with:

• logistical and welcoming assistance to freshers in the Department premises

• guidance on single courses, laboratories and remedial courses

• assistance to ongoing students to manage the training path, interacting with student representatives

• collaboration for the management of timetables and workload in the semesters

• management of individual issues.


These are the teachers required by the Ministry for the teaching requirements of each degree programme.
The teaching requisites are checked by ANVUR.

Docenti di riferimento

Sono i docenti richiesti dal Ministero per le esigenze didattiche di ogni Corso di Studio.
I requisiti docenza sono controllati dall'ANVUR.

Last modified 3 July 2023