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03. Departmental Board

The Board flanks the Manager in his/her role and management tasks
The Chair of the Board Giunta is the Department Manager: Prof. Roberta Lombardi, while the ViceChair of the Board is the Department Assistant Manager: Prof. Enrico Boccaleri


  • Manager and assistant manager of the department
  • Course Chairs
  • Representative of full professors: Prof Edoardo Tortarolo, prof. Enrico Boccaleri 
  • Representative of associate professors: prof. Vito Rubino
  • Representative of researchers (not included in previous categories): dott. Alberto Doretto
  • Representative of T/A staff: dott.ssa Alessandra Fornarelli
  • Student representative: Mr. Luca Doria

The Manager, Assistant Manager and Course Chairs are members by right. The other members are elected by the Department Council according to their categories.

Last modified 25 October 2023