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Research Laboratories

On this page you will find information on the laboratories and research infrastructures at DISSTE.

There are research infrastructures at the UPO, which you can find at this link.

The research laboratories at DISSTE



Building: St. Joseph's, floor 3 - room C33

Capacity: 10 seats

Main research interests: Biochemistry of proteins.

Area: biology and biotechnology

Genetics and Botany

Building: St. Joseph's, floor 3 - room C32

Capacity: 15 seats

Main research uses: Plant Physiology and Plant Genetics

Area: biology and biotechnology

Instrumental I

Building: St. Joseph's, floor 2 - room C23

Capacity: 9 seats

Instrumentation present: FTIR + vacuum line, TGA, calorimeter, line for volumetric measurements

Area: chemistry

Instrumentation Laboratory I (room C23, 2nd floor, area C)

- Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrophotometer

- Shimadzu IRX20ross FT-IR spectrophotometer

- Setaram LabSys TGA EVO 1150°C analytical thermobalance

- Carbolite 1200 °C tubular furnace

- differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) – loan for use from Buzzi Unicem

- Dionex liquid ion chromatograph – loan for use from Buzzi Unicem

- Bruker NIR spectrophotometer - loan for use from Buzzi Unicem

- Oriel solar simulator

- Technical scale

- Hydraulic press.

Instrumental II (Applied Physics, Green Chemistry)

Building: St. Joseph's, floor 2 - room C27

Capacity: 15 seats

Instrumentation present:

  1. Probe Station and instrumentation for I-V and C-V measurements on semiconductors;
  2. micro-Raman
  3. apparatus for mechanical measurements

Main research uses: Micro-Raman diagnostics for semiconductor slices.

Area: physics

Instrumentation Laboratory II (Applied Physics, Green Chemistry) (room C27, 2nd floor, area C)

- Horiba dual laser Raman micro-spectrophotometer

- Zwick-Roell testing machine – mechanical tensile, compression and bending tests

- Agilent Cary5000 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer

- Edinburgh Instruments spectrofluorimeter (already purchased, arriving in May at DSSTE).

MALDI and Biological Instrumentation

Building: St. Joseph's, floor 3 - room C34

Capacity: 10 seats

Instrumentation available: MALDI-TOF; HPLC-ion trap; HPLC-DAD

Main research uses: Plant and animal genetic, physiological and microbiological analyses

Area: biology and biotechnology

Herbal preparations I

Building: St. Joseph, external building

Capacity: 5 places

Instrumentation present: small plant growth chambers, dry stove

Main research uses: small-scale plant experiments

Area: biology and biotechnology

Herbal preparations II

Building: St. Joseph, external building

Capacity: 5 places

Instrumentation present: small plant growth chambers

Main research uses: small-scale plant experiments

Area: biology and biotechnology

Mycology and ecology

Building: St. Joseph's, floor 3 - room C36

Capacity: 10 places

Instrumentation present: sterile hoods, binoculars, refrigerators, thermostatic incubators

Main research uses: growth and manipulation of micro-organisms .

Area: biology and biotechnology


Building: St. Joseph's, floor 3 - room C37

Capacity: 10 seats

Main research uses: Microbiology, Molecular biology of microorganisms, environmental DNA extraction.

Area: biology and biotechnology

Advanced Chemistry Preparation I and II

Building: St. Joseph's, floor 2 - room C22 - C25

Capacity: 11 and 13 places

Equipment present: 2 hoods, 2 stoves

Area: chemistry

Advanced Chemistry Preparation Laboratory I (room C25, 2nd floor, area C)

- 2 chemical fume hoods

- 1 “walk-in” chemical fume hood

- 2 acid/base storage cabinets

- 2 Type 90 safety storage cabinets

- Maina pure water production system

- sonification tank with thermostated bath

- stainless steel autoclaves for synthesis

- Kern analytical and technical balance

- high vacuum rotary pump

- diaphragm vacuum pumps

- pilot plant for scale-up synthesis

- heating magnetic stirrers.

Advanced Chemistry Preparation Laboratory II (room C22, 2nd floor, area C)

- 2 chemical fume hoods

- Shimadzu gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC/MS)

- hydrogen generator

- rotary vane pump

- Sineo ultrasonic sonicator/irradiator

- PowTeq ball mill machine

- precision and technical analytical balance

- diaphragm vacuum pumps

- stainless steel autoclaves


Building: St. Joseph's, floor 3 - room C35

Capacity: 10 places

Instrumentation available: Sanger sequencer, PCR and RealTime PCR

Main research uses: Metabarcoding and genetics in zoology. Nucleic acid sequencing.

Area: biology and biotechnology

Last updated 16.01.2024 following the creation of new workshops

Last modified 6 March 2024