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Call for Elections of Student Representatives – Department Council and other Collegial Bodiess

Announcement of elections for student representatives within the Department Council for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition - DISSTE - two-year period 2022-2024 and supplementary elections for student representatives in the collegial bodies set up at the Department for Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition - DISSTE – two-year period 2021-2023 electoral session of 19 January 2023.



Decreto di indizione
Documento PDF - 366.77 KB
Allegato 1 - Modulo presentazione lista
Documento PDF - 253.74 KB
Allegato 2 - Elenco lista e candidati
Documento PDF - 138.86 KB
Allegato 3 - Modulo raccolta firme
Documento PDF - 418.3 KB
Allegato 4 - Modulo accettazione candidatura
Documento PDF - 186.48 KB
Presentazione della candidatura
Documento PDF - 243 KB
Elettorato attivo DISSTE
Documento PDF - 257.68 KB
Elettorato attivo CdS Chimica Verde
Documento PDF - 132.71 KB
Elettorato attivo CdS Food Health and Environment
Documento PDF - 112.68 KB
Manifesto elettorale
Documento PDF - 275.42 KB
Nomina commissione elettorale
Documento PDF - 276.07 KB
Decreto di nomina
Documento PDF - 177.16 KB
Verbale della commissione elettorale
Documento PDF - 272.54 KB

Last modified 10 July 2023